Book a Radio Campaign

Book Radio Campaign

Book a Radio Campaign

Adelaide CentralAdelaide East/Adelaide HillsAdelaide NorthAdelaide SouthAlice SpringsBrisbane NorthBrisbane SouthBundabergCairnsCanberraCentral Coast NSWCentral North NSWCentral NSWCentral West WADarling Downs QLDDarwinEastern South AustraliaEastern VictoriaGippslandGold Coast/TweedHobartIllawarra NSWMackayMargaret River WAMelbourne EastMelbourne Inner SuburbsMelbourne NorthMelbourne SouthMelbourne WestMid-West WANewcastle & Hunter NSWNorth West NSWNorth West VictoriaNorthern NSWPerth North/North EastPerth South/South EastPilbara WARiverina NSWRockhamptonSouth Coast NSWSouth WASouth West VictoriaSouthern NSWSunshine CoastSydney Inner SuburbsSydney NorthSydney Outer WestSydney South WestSydney SouthernTasmania NorthTasmania South WestTownsvilleWest NSWWestern South Australia
Product Details:
  • Audience = 315 000
  • No. of Spots = 12
  • Duration = 1 week

Audience is the number of people (15 years and over) who listen to local radio in the location selected. Based on the Community Radio Listener Survey Dec 2022.

To repeat your booking, select multiple weeks below.

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Product Description
Book a Radio Campaign

Local Radio Works helps you connect with a local, regional or national audience using the power of local radio.

Local radio is Australia's largest independent media sector. Reaching over 5 million people each week.

Local Radio Works is part of the B Radio Network. Our network includes over 100 local stations with over 11,000,000 'run of station' sponsorship spots available nationally each year.

Under the Broadcasting Services Act, local radio stations can broadcast sponsorship announcements for up to five minutes in any hour.

Sponsorship announcements need to be appropriately tagged. So listeners know the material is from a person or an organisation who has given financial support.

Use this form to 'Book a Campaign'. Or contact us to discuss your marketing needs.